Published Articles
Backcountry’s given me a platform to publish a few of my original thoughts and muses, along with a few interviews. I’ve also published a few pieces to smaller sites and Medium.
Exploring Moonshine Wash Slot Canyon
As an avid wilderness backpacker, I’ve found myself in some amazing places over the years. Channeling my inner Muir, I can’t help but write about some of these spots. I’m also a firm believer in giving people the means to find and explore public lands—I can’t stand gatekeeping.
Over the years, I’ve written nearly 50 articles on places I’ve been. These articles usually cover a specific trail, and are complemented by my photography.
Everyone Loves Lists
6 Ways We're Beating The Lifts This Season
Being a local skier comes with amazing benefits, but when resorts sell record-number passes, the lift lines become full purgatory of pow-hungry people. These were my 6 tips on how to beat (or make the best of) the line.
12 Things I Learned My First Month Skiing
Despite working and writing for one of the world’s leading winter sports sites, I never even tried skiing until I moved to Utah. These are the 12 lessons I learned while flying down the world’s finest snow.
6 Lessons Learned While Taking My Mom Backpacking
My mom raised 5 adventurous kids. While growing up, she sacrificed every travel opportunity she had for us. So, I took her on a backpacking trip and wrote about it for Mother’s Day. I also took the pictures for this one!
7 Team Name Changes That Didn't End The World
Frustrated that my small, hometown high school’s team is named “Redskins”, I wrote a piece to share with the town about professional teams that have changed their name to the pain of no one. This one is also a top search on Google, which is nice.
While you’re here…
Stay a while and check out my personal projects.