Fall New Arrivals
Role: Lead Writer
Backcountry.com is a billion-dollar, online, outdoor retailer. I’ve worked with Backcountry for over 3 years, this is just one of hundreds of projects.
The Long:
Each season, Backcountry gets an influx of new styles and looks. While many of them are lifestyle (we typically focus on use-case not latest looks), we want to keep our customers up-to-date with fashion without alienating our core audience who simply…doesn’t care. I break our new arrivals into four categories and speak to the benefits while the art highlights the style.
Landing Page:
I break each of the styles into unique “character looks” giving a random hodgepodge of products a single voice. Meet Low-fi, Workwear, Retro Revival, and Natural Hues.
We broke the launch email into men’s and women’s and then gave a dedicated send that covers all four looks in one (that one is long so I broke it up).
Wanting to give more to the customer, and having just come off a road trip of my own, I wrote a long-form article detailing everything you need to go on your own adventure. I worked with our merch team again to find relevant products to sprinkle into the experience to boost SEO and click-through rates. Here’s the full article if you’re planning a road trip.
While you’re here…
Stay a while and check out my personal projects.